I hope you have enjoyed our look at Quaker's in America and I apologize for the long pause between posts. We have seen that the Quaker faith was influential in the development of the United States but who were these people? Let’s take a look at some of the families found in The Old Quaker Settlement Cemetery in Jacksonville, Ulysses Tompkins NY. One of the most prominent families found in this cemetery is the Ganoung family. We met some of the Ganoung’s briefly when we reviewed the history of the town of Catharine in Schuyler county NY. One of the Jones relations married one to the Ganoung relations, who was at that time a Methodist.
We will also look at a family found in the Friend's cemetery, also in Jacksonville Tompkins NY, these are the Mekeel family. If you are a relative of wither of these families I welcome you to send in information about your relatives and , as necessary to expand or correct any information I may post. Please remember all of my information comes form documents found on line or within the local community. To really have a feel for a person's character it helps to have some family input.
I will be researching as I post, so we are in this together. I hope you will find it interesting and find some valuable information you may not have been able to locate elsewhere.
The following Ganoung family members are resting peacefully in the Jacksonville Quaker Settlement. You can see that I have started some research on this family to try and make connections.
1. Ganoung, Adaline b. 1834 d. Nov. 11, 1846- child of James and Eliza Ann Ganoung. Died at the age of 12.
2. Ganoung, Eliza Ann b. Apr. 15, 1805 d. Nov. 23, 1890- James Ganoung
3. Ganoung, Elizabeth b. 1767 d. Jul. 7, 1843 -married Samuel Ganoung
4. Ganoung, Elizabeth Drew b. Nov. 11, 1780 d. Jan. 12, 1866 married Jonathan Ganoung
5. Ganoung, James b. Oct. 26, 1801 d. Jul. 24, 1885. Married Eliza Ann Ganoung (1805 - 1890)-child Adaline Ganoung (1834 - 1846) James left a will in Ulysses Tompkins NY leaving his heirs- Eliza Ann- wife, Oliver B. Ganoung (1838-7/23/1926) of Coventry Montgomery Kansas (died and buried in Tompkins county NY Grove cemetery), Adeline Masson of Covert Seneca NY age 34, William H. Ganoung Ulysses Tompkins age 58, and Jarvis Ganoung Ulysses Tompkins NY age 50 real-estate worth $7,000. And personal property $5,000. The will was probated on 10/26/1801.
6. Ganoung, Jason b. 1769 d. Nov. 15, 1859- Judith Craft
7. Ganoung, Jonathan b. Jun. 14, 1776 d. June. 2, 1854 - Elizabeth Drew- Son Jonathan Ganoung Born 1830. James Ganoung born 1801 (1850 they lived in Enfield NY. Son or possibly grandson- Jonathan still at home and unmarried)(1860 Elizabeth is living in Ulysses Tompkins with son James and his family- Eliza A. B.1815,oliver ganoung b1838 still at home )
8. Ganoung, Judah Craft b. 1775 d. Jun. 26, 1852 married Jason Ganoung (1769 - 1859) parents of Joseph Ganoung (1798 - 1884) married Amelia Savage about 1817.
9. Ganoung, Samuel b. 6/28/1764- d. Sep. 20, 1850 Married Elizabeth Ganoung (9/7/1767 – 7/7/1843) family Bible of Samuel Ganoung and wife Elizabeth Frost Ganoung married 1/31/1790. They had the following children:
Thomas F. Ganoung 10/30/1790-12/10/1814
Huldah F. Ganoung 6/30/1793-10/23/1886 married Samuel Baker-died 2/19/1871, Baker bible records deaths; Abram Baker died 11/24/1844, Elizabeth Baker Bell D. 9/15/1855, Munson Baker d. 6/16/1863, Niles Baker D. 12/14/1870, Warren Baker d. 3/10/1879, Moses Baker d. 11/18/1899, Marenda Baker Owens D. 4/4/1906, Angelina Baker D. 5/13/1912, Samuel T. Baker D. 2/29/1916, Mary G. Bunnitt Baker D. 3/29/1927,Eda Genette Baker Vaughan D. 3/8/1951, Della Mae Baker Hendricks D. 2/3/1968, Mary Ellen Baker Buch D. 8/8/1975
Betsey Ganoung 3/7/1795-11/27/1829
Mehetable Ganoung 3/13/1797-
John F. Ganoung 2/28/1799-6/16/1800
Munson Ganoung 9/2/1801-9/19/1820
Cornelia/Permelia Ganoung 12/12/1802-4/30/1867
Philomena Ganoung 3/24/1806-3/22/1881
Emeline Ganoung 11/25/1809-1/11/1867
10. Ganoung, William b. Mar. 26, 1791 d. Sep. 4, 1847
11. Genung, Jonathan b. 1776 d. Jun. 2, 1854 married to Elizabeth Drew
We will also look at the Meekel family buried in the Friend’s cemetery, also in Jacksonville Tompkins County NY.
1. Mekeel, Aaron b. 1817 d. 1903 was a dairy farmer in Hector NY. In the 1860’s Aaron became lame in his ankles and used a crutch to get around. This limited but did not end his Dairy farming. Aaron traveled to other counties to promote his dairy and to learn about modern technology as it applied to the dairy industry. In 1872 the disease in his legs was sever enough to require amputation and Aaron spent some time at the Dryden Spring convalescing. Aaron was married to Anna and had the following children; Catherine (B 1941) and Mary (1844)., Hannah (1856), Emma (1859), Mitchell (1942)
In 1914 the Mekeel farm was sold, boasting “SALE—One of the best 15 acre poultry, truck and fruit farms that has been on the market for years, with good nine-room house, large brooder house 12x70 with hot water piped throughout, all papered and plastered poultry house 40xlO, with concrete floor, large barn 26x60, shop 24x18, lots of fruit., about 60 large apple trees, SO to 40 young apple trees, all of the best varieties and bearing, 40 choice pear trees in full bearing condition; land lays level, with rich, black loam soil adapted to raising onions, cabbage, vegetables, in fact most any crop; about 4 acres woods and pasture, balance under cultivation and in fruit This property has been in the hands of the present owners fifty or sixty years and is known as the Aaron MeKeel farm. “
2. Mekeel, Amy Grace b. 1885 d. 1976 May 8.1942 Amy Grace reported on the World Friends conference she had attended in Richman Indiana. Amy Grace never married She maintained her religion throughout her life and spoke often about it. The following appeared in the Ovid Gazette on 11/9/ 1967. DAR Hears About Perry City Quakers TRUMANSBURG - On Tuesday, Nov. 7 Chief Taughannock Chapter of D.A.R. met at the home of Mrs. Catharine Hoffmire. After lunch and the business meeting, the group listened with great interest to Miss Amy Grace Mekeel and her sister, Mrs. Hopkins both of Jacksonville. They gave an account of the coming of the first Quakers to the Perry City region; about the church built there; about the members and where they lived; where they were buried; where their children were educated and many other things about the Quakers and their belief unknown to most of the audience.
3. Mekeel, Anna b. 1870 d. 1886 Daughter of Jesse Mekeel and Rebecca )
4. Mekeel, Catherine Tripp b. 1878 d. 1944 ( daughter of Jesse and Rebecca)
5. Mekeel, Elizabeth b. 1838 d. 1908
6. Mekeel, Elizabeth b. 1873 d. 1908 (Daughter of Jesse and Rebecca)
7. Mekeel, Emma b. 1858 d. 1929- never married. Lived in Trumansburg NY. Emma was an invalid at the time of her death. She was survived by one brother- William of Trumansburg and one sister- Mrs. Anna Hopkins of Warrensville PA.
8. Mekeel, Hester Bailey b. Oct. 18, 1795 d. Jun. 26, 1846-married Joshua Mekeel- children of Joshua and Hester- Isaac Devoe Mekeel (1822 - 1875) & Abram V. Mekeel (1829 - 1902)
9. Mekeel, Isaiah b. 1859 d. 3/19/1918
10. Mekeel, Jesse b. 1840 d. 1931 married Rebecca H. ? (1850). Jesse was a farmer in Trumansburg NY. They had the following children; Anna Mekeel (1871), Elizabeth (1873), Sarah (1876), Catheren( 1878)
11. Mekeel, Joshua b. Jun. 25, 1795 d. Feb. 24, 1877-married x2- Hester Bailey and Anna Underhill.- children-1) Isaac Devoe Mekeel
2) Caleb Bailey Mekeel
3) Anne Eliza Mekeel
4) Abram V. Mekeel
5) Arthur Michael Mekeel
6) Hester I. Mekeel
12. Mekeel, Lydia B. b. 1832 d. 1920- married William E. Mekeel (1872 - 1959)
13. Mekeel, Mary G. b. 1825 d. 1867
14. Mekeel, Mary L. b. 1880 d. 1962
15. Mekeel, Rebekah b. 1849 d. 1934-Wife of Jesse Mekeel
16. Charles Owen Mekeel (1883 - 1958) married Rachel Ganoung 4/7/1913. Rachel is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ganoung of Glenwood. Rachel died 10/13/1964. survived by 1 son, Jesse Mekeel,three daughters; Rhoda Mekeel, Mrs. Florence Lambeth of Bethseda Md. , Annie Mekeel. also survived by 2 brothers, one named- Howard Ganoung. Rachel is buried in Hayts Cemetery. She was a member of the Jacksonville community church.
17. Mekeel, Sarah D. Tripp b. 1876 d. 1936
18. Mekeel, Sarah Jane b. 1854 d. 1873
19. Mekeel, William b. 1815 d. 1871- married Martha G. Hussey Mekeel (1820 - 1905) Farmer in Hector NY. He and Martha had the following children; James T. Mekeel (1836), Elizabeth Mekeel (1838-1908), Jesse Mekeel (1840-1931),Amy Q. Mekeel (1842)
20. Mekeel, William E. b. 1872 d. 1959-married Sarah D. Tripp Mekeel (1876 - 1936)
Stay tuned there is much more to come in the next few weeks.
We will also look at a family found in the Friend's cemetery, also in Jacksonville Tompkins NY, these are the Mekeel family. If you are a relative of wither of these families I welcome you to send in information about your relatives and , as necessary to expand or correct any information I may post. Please remember all of my information comes form documents found on line or within the local community. To really have a feel for a person's character it helps to have some family input.
I will be researching as I post, so we are in this together. I hope you will find it interesting and find some valuable information you may not have been able to locate elsewhere.
The following Ganoung family members are resting peacefully in the Jacksonville Quaker Settlement. You can see that I have started some research on this family to try and make connections.
1. Ganoung, Adaline b. 1834 d. Nov. 11, 1846- child of James and Eliza Ann Ganoung. Died at the age of 12.
2. Ganoung, Eliza Ann b. Apr. 15, 1805 d. Nov. 23, 1890- James Ganoung
3. Ganoung, Elizabeth b. 1767 d. Jul. 7, 1843 -married Samuel Ganoung
4. Ganoung, Elizabeth Drew b. Nov. 11, 1780 d. Jan. 12, 1866 married Jonathan Ganoung
5. Ganoung, James b. Oct. 26, 1801 d. Jul. 24, 1885. Married Eliza Ann Ganoung (1805 - 1890)-child Adaline Ganoung (1834 - 1846) James left a will in Ulysses Tompkins NY leaving his heirs- Eliza Ann- wife, Oliver B. Ganoung (1838-7/23/1926) of Coventry Montgomery Kansas (died and buried in Tompkins county NY Grove cemetery), Adeline Masson of Covert Seneca NY age 34, William H. Ganoung Ulysses Tompkins age 58, and Jarvis Ganoung Ulysses Tompkins NY age 50 real-estate worth $7,000. And personal property $5,000. The will was probated on 10/26/1801.
6. Ganoung, Jason b. 1769 d. Nov. 15, 1859- Judith Craft
7. Ganoung, Jonathan b. Jun. 14, 1776 d. June. 2, 1854 - Elizabeth Drew- Son Jonathan Ganoung Born 1830. James Ganoung born 1801 (1850 they lived in Enfield NY. Son or possibly grandson- Jonathan still at home and unmarried)(1860 Elizabeth is living in Ulysses Tompkins with son James and his family- Eliza A. B.1815,oliver ganoung b1838 still at home )
8. Ganoung, Judah Craft b. 1775 d. Jun. 26, 1852 married Jason Ganoung (1769 - 1859) parents of Joseph Ganoung (1798 - 1884) married Amelia Savage about 1817.
9. Ganoung, Samuel b. 6/28/1764- d. Sep. 20, 1850 Married Elizabeth Ganoung (9/7/1767 – 7/7/1843) family Bible of Samuel Ganoung and wife Elizabeth Frost Ganoung married 1/31/1790. They had the following children:
Thomas F. Ganoung 10/30/1790-12/10/1814
Huldah F. Ganoung 6/30/1793-10/23/1886 married Samuel Baker-died 2/19/1871, Baker bible records deaths; Abram Baker died 11/24/1844, Elizabeth Baker Bell D. 9/15/1855, Munson Baker d. 6/16/1863, Niles Baker D. 12/14/1870, Warren Baker d. 3/10/1879, Moses Baker d. 11/18/1899, Marenda Baker Owens D. 4/4/1906, Angelina Baker D. 5/13/1912, Samuel T. Baker D. 2/29/1916, Mary G. Bunnitt Baker D. 3/29/1927,Eda Genette Baker Vaughan D. 3/8/1951, Della Mae Baker Hendricks D. 2/3/1968, Mary Ellen Baker Buch D. 8/8/1975
Betsey Ganoung 3/7/1795-11/27/1829
Mehetable Ganoung 3/13/1797-
John F. Ganoung 2/28/1799-6/16/1800
Munson Ganoung 9/2/1801-9/19/1820
Cornelia/Permelia Ganoung 12/12/1802-4/30/1867
Philomena Ganoung 3/24/1806-3/22/1881
Emeline Ganoung 11/25/1809-1/11/1867
10. Ganoung, William b. Mar. 26, 1791 d. Sep. 4, 1847
11. Genung, Jonathan b. 1776 d. Jun. 2, 1854 married to Elizabeth Drew
We will also look at the Meekel family buried in the Friend’s cemetery, also in Jacksonville Tompkins County NY.
1. Mekeel, Aaron b. 1817 d. 1903 was a dairy farmer in Hector NY. In the 1860’s Aaron became lame in his ankles and used a crutch to get around. This limited but did not end his Dairy farming. Aaron traveled to other counties to promote his dairy and to learn about modern technology as it applied to the dairy industry. In 1872 the disease in his legs was sever enough to require amputation and Aaron spent some time at the Dryden Spring convalescing. Aaron was married to Anna and had the following children; Catherine (B 1941) and Mary (1844)., Hannah (1856), Emma (1859), Mitchell (1942)
In 1914 the Mekeel farm was sold, boasting “SALE—One of the best 15 acre poultry, truck and fruit farms that has been on the market for years, with good nine-room house, large brooder house 12x70 with hot water piped throughout, all papered and plastered poultry house 40xlO, with concrete floor, large barn 26x60, shop 24x18, lots of fruit., about 60 large apple trees, SO to 40 young apple trees, all of the best varieties and bearing, 40 choice pear trees in full bearing condition; land lays level, with rich, black loam soil adapted to raising onions, cabbage, vegetables, in fact most any crop; about 4 acres woods and pasture, balance under cultivation and in fruit This property has been in the hands of the present owners fifty or sixty years and is known as the Aaron MeKeel farm. “
2. Mekeel, Amy Grace b. 1885 d. 1976 May 8.1942 Amy Grace reported on the World Friends conference she had attended in Richman Indiana. Amy Grace never married She maintained her religion throughout her life and spoke often about it. The following appeared in the Ovid Gazette on 11/9/ 1967. DAR Hears About Perry City Quakers TRUMANSBURG - On Tuesday, Nov. 7 Chief Taughannock Chapter of D.A.R. met at the home of Mrs. Catharine Hoffmire. After lunch and the business meeting, the group listened with great interest to Miss Amy Grace Mekeel and her sister, Mrs. Hopkins both of Jacksonville. They gave an account of the coming of the first Quakers to the Perry City region; about the church built there; about the members and where they lived; where they were buried; where their children were educated and many other things about the Quakers and their belief unknown to most of the audience.
3. Mekeel, Anna b. 1870 d. 1886 Daughter of Jesse Mekeel and Rebecca )
4. Mekeel, Catherine Tripp b. 1878 d. 1944 ( daughter of Jesse and Rebecca)
5. Mekeel, Elizabeth b. 1838 d. 1908
6. Mekeel, Elizabeth b. 1873 d. 1908 (Daughter of Jesse and Rebecca)
7. Mekeel, Emma b. 1858 d. 1929- never married. Lived in Trumansburg NY. Emma was an invalid at the time of her death. She was survived by one brother- William of Trumansburg and one sister- Mrs. Anna Hopkins of Warrensville PA.
8. Mekeel, Hester Bailey b. Oct. 18, 1795 d. Jun. 26, 1846-married Joshua Mekeel- children of Joshua and Hester- Isaac Devoe Mekeel (1822 - 1875) & Abram V. Mekeel (1829 - 1902)
9. Mekeel, Isaiah b. 1859 d. 3/19/1918
10. Mekeel, Jesse b. 1840 d. 1931 married Rebecca H. ? (1850). Jesse was a farmer in Trumansburg NY. They had the following children; Anna Mekeel (1871), Elizabeth (1873), Sarah (1876), Catheren( 1878)
11. Mekeel, Joshua b. Jun. 25, 1795 d. Feb. 24, 1877-married x2- Hester Bailey and Anna Underhill.- children-1) Isaac Devoe Mekeel
2) Caleb Bailey Mekeel
3) Anne Eliza Mekeel
4) Abram V. Mekeel
5) Arthur Michael Mekeel
6) Hester I. Mekeel
12. Mekeel, Lydia B. b. 1832 d. 1920- married William E. Mekeel (1872 - 1959)
13. Mekeel, Mary G. b. 1825 d. 1867
14. Mekeel, Mary L. b. 1880 d. 1962
15. Mekeel, Rebekah b. 1849 d. 1934-Wife of Jesse Mekeel
16. Charles Owen Mekeel (1883 - 1958) married Rachel Ganoung 4/7/1913. Rachel is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ganoung of Glenwood. Rachel died 10/13/1964. survived by 1 son, Jesse Mekeel,three daughters; Rhoda Mekeel, Mrs. Florence Lambeth of Bethseda Md. , Annie Mekeel. also survived by 2 brothers, one named- Howard Ganoung. Rachel is buried in Hayts Cemetery. She was a member of the Jacksonville community church.
17. Mekeel, Sarah D. Tripp b. 1876 d. 1936
18. Mekeel, Sarah Jane b. 1854 d. 1873
19. Mekeel, William b. 1815 d. 1871- married Martha G. Hussey Mekeel (1820 - 1905) Farmer in Hector NY. He and Martha had the following children; James T. Mekeel (1836), Elizabeth Mekeel (1838-1908), Jesse Mekeel (1840-1931),Amy Q. Mekeel (1842)
20. Mekeel, William E. b. 1872 d. 1959-married Sarah D. Tripp Mekeel (1876 - 1936)
Stay tuned there is much more to come in the next few weeks.