I am going to eliminate persons I have not found additional information for. If they have already been recorded in a previous post and you do not see them going forward it is because I could not find any additional information. I will also break down some of the families in future posts to get a better look at them.
The family’s of William Coates Jr. born 11/31/1724 died in Stonington Conn in 1784. And Anstrase Gray, daughter of Edward Gray and Elizabeth Peabody. Elizabeth Peabody was said to be descended from John Alden and Priscilla Mullins of the Mayflower.
William Coates III born in Lebanon Conn. 4/14/1745- died in Burlington NY 9/7/1821 Married Zipporah Palmer born in Stonington 3/31/1747-died after 1803, daughter of Joseph Palmer and Zipporah Billings. William and Zipporah had the following children
Billings Coates 5/29/1779- died Springfield NY 2/21/1834
William Coates Jr. 1773 married Susannah? Moved the Hector NY,
Aiden Coates 1775 married Jerusha Brockway,
Corey Coates 1777,
Palmer Coates 1779,
Rufus Coates 1781
John Coates born Lebanon Conn. 6/15/1749- died before 1790, Married in Stonington Conn 11/29/1770 to Elizabeth Stewart. Elizabeth was born 10/7/1747 to William Stewart Jr. and Elizabeth Stevens. John and Elizabeth had the following children ;
John Coates 3/10/1771- died in Pharsalia NY 1/18/1859,
Gilbert Coates 8/11/1773,
Elisha Coates 12/12/1775,
Betsey Coates 2/5/1777,
Sanford Coates 7/6/1779,
Hannah Coates 1/5/1782,
Anna Coates 6/5/1784)
Thomas Coates born 1752- died in Hyde Park Vermont 10/11/1814, Married in Stonington on 11/12/1775 to Lois Brown. Lois died in Morris town Vermont 8/1844. She married a second time on 2/1/1820 to Jonathan Delano who died 4/16/1835. His children were born in Stonington Conn. In 6/1788 he moved his family to Stephentown NY and later to Vermont. Thomas and Lois had the following children;
Thomas Coates 11/12/1777- died Morristown NY 5/21/1866
Prentice Coates 1792 married Jane?. Prentice lived in Diana NY from 1850-1865)
The Families of John Coates born at Stonington New London Conn. 7/8/1725- died there 5/22/1811 Married Anna Gray 12/4/1749. Anna was born in Little Compton Rhode Island on 3/14/1731- died in Stonington Conn. 1/10/1806 at age 74, she was the daughter of Edward Gray and Elizabeth Peabody, sister of William Coates Wife Anstras Gray. John and Anna had the following children all born in Stonington Conn.;
Edward Coates born 1/15/1753- died 1/28/1840, Married Eunice Brown. Eunice was born 1757 and died 4/27/1817. She was the daughter of Capt. Daniel Brown and his second wife Abigail Crory. Edward and Eunice had the following children all born in Stonington ;
Edward Coates Jr. 12/12/1786,
Amos Coates born 10/17/1761- died in Sterling Conn. 1/18/1840, Married at Stonington to Anna Peabody born 7/31/1766- died in Sterling Conn. 9/14/1884, daughter of Samuel Peabody and Abigail Bond. Amos and Anna had the following children, all born in Stonington;
Amos Coates Jr. 5/21/1784,
Ramsford Coates 7/7/1786, Later known as Ransom Coates, married Patience Wilox 1793. Moved to Manilus Onandage NY and purchased property 6/17/1818. Later moved to Bradford Steuben (later Schuyler )County NY.Ramsford/Ransom and Patience had the following children, all born in NY; (Ann Coates 1818, Sarah Ann Coates1819-9/2/1819, Cynthia Coates 2/27/1824-1/24/1844, Pamela Coates 1827, Evanelus Coates 1829, William J. Coates 12/9/1833-11/20/1840, Augustus Coates 1838, Mary J. Coates 1841.) In 1850 Ransom was living with his family in Bradford Steuben NY working as a clerk, in 1855 he is listed as a farmer.
Elias Coates 4/2/1793 died Colchester 12/6/1855,
Silas Coates 4/2/1793 ( twin) died in Edmester NY 1868,
Erastus Coates 10/11/1800- died Sterling 4/14/1847,
John Noyes Coates 8/11/1809 died Sterling 8/30/1845,
Alfred Washington Coates 7/18/1813 became a doctor died in Mystic Conn. 10/27/1880
David Coates born 12/17/1766-died 11/2/1853,Married Molly Brown born 8/29/1766- died 3/14/1837 daughter of Christopher Brown and Margaret Holmes. David and Molly had the following children , all born in Stonington;
David Coates 1/4/1789- died 12/18/1834,
Asher Coates 10/26/1790-1/18/1827,
Ansel Coates 3/14/1794-1/10/1861,
John Calvin Coates 11/1/1811-10/30/1891
Oliver Coates born 6/24/1769- died Norwich Conn 7/24/1847 Married Lucy Woodward on 12/27/1795. She died 5/15/1843. Oliver and Lucy had the following children;
Giles Kinney Coates born in Preston 7/24/1805 died in Norwich 1891
Russell Coates, born 10/15/1771- died Norwich 3/31/1853. Married 11/20/1796 to Esther Brown born 11/22/1776-died 2/12/1840. Russell and Esther had the following children
Russell Coates Jr. 1806-4/1878
The Families of Stephen Coates; son of Philip Coates, (Son of Joseph Coates, Son of Robert Coates Jr.) born 1729 Married in Boston on 12/12/1750 to Ruth Pratt. born in Malden 2/22/1753 married in Lynn Mass 12/3/1777 to Sarah Stone. Stephen and Ruth Coates had the following children;
William Coates born Lynn 4/8/1756. He served as a minute man during the revolution and also in the NY campaign and the retreat across the Jerseys.,
Phillip Coates born Lynn 9/16/1758- Died Chelsea Mass. 10/1810, married in Boston 9/9/1784 to Ruth potter born in Lynn 7/19/1765 died in Boston 2/27/1803, daughter of Benjamin Potter and Hannah Brown. He and Ruth had the following children, all born in Lynn;
William Coates 1/3/1787 died Chelsea 3/27/1848,
Burill Potter Coates (Twin) 2/26/1794-died 12/10/1820,
John Brown Coates 2/26/1794-died 10/26/1868,
Stephen Coates 1798)
Moses Coates born in Lynn Mass 1739- died in Roseboom NY around 6/24/1812. Married in Salisbury Conn. On 2/16/1768 to Mehitable Butler. Moses and Mehitable had the following children all born in Salisbury;
Joseph Coates in Salisbury Conn.5/3/1771- died Middle filed NY 6/3/1828, Married Elizabeth ? who died 7/8/1841. Joseph and Elizabeth had the following children;
Jeremiah Coates 1799,
Elbert Coates 9/24/1803 died Westford 11/14/1872, Lurana Coates 1805
Daniel Coates 1807
Joseph Coates 1809
Ambrose Coates 1811
Salmon Coates born in Salisbury 2/11/1773- Died Cherry Valley NY 1/26/1857, Married twice, first to Sarah Marks born 3/25/1779-died 7/15/1821, second marriage to Anne Sherman born 1780. Salmon and Sarah had the following children all born in Roseboom NY;
Royal Coates 1897-died 2/12/1871,
Horace Coates 1810 died 9/31/1850,
Charles Coates 1807
Norman Coates 1808-married Germaine Boyce of Madison
Sarah Coates 1812-1888
Salmon and Anne had the following child born in Chelea
Salmon Coates Jr. 7/15/1824-9/18/1917
Moses Coates Jr. born in Salisbury 2/17/1785 Died Roseboom NY 4/6/1868 Married Amy Marks born near Albany NY- died 7/21/1859, daughter of John Marks and Amy Reynolds. Moses and Amy had the following children born in Roseboom NY;
Stephen Coates 12/1/1807-2/8/1883 never married,
Harmen Coates 1813-5/6/1867,
Lester Coates 9/16/1823-10/21/1887,
John Coates born in Lynn Mas 1747 died in Middle field Mass. 1/19/1824. He married in Wallingford Conn. On 12/7/1768 to Mehitable Way. Mehitable was born in Wallingford on 8/27/1744- died in Middlefield 7/18/1828. She was the daughter of John Way and Hannah Royce. John and Mehitable had the following children;
Theodore Coates born Wallingford 10/14/1771- died Middlefiled 2/27/1836, married 1/28/1827 to Kesia Crowell who died 4/21/1827children all born in Middlefield to Theodore and Kesia; Freedom Coates 1/21/1802
Charles Coates 10/16/1804,
Levi Lincoln Coates 10/22/1806-8/1836
Oliver Coates 4/29/1816-7/19/1832,
Milton Coates 4/23/1824
James Coates born Middle field 10/23/1773- died Martinsburg NY 2/25/1855, Married 1/27/1803 to Polly Spencer born at East Haddam Conn. 8/25/1775-died martinsburgh 9/29/1810, daughter of Brigadier General John Spencer and Susannah White. Married a second time on 3/15/1813 to Nancy Coates born in Dunmerston Vermont 6/3/1788-10/27/1876, daughter of Phineas Coates and Rebecca Ward Gates . James and Nancy had the following children;
Sedgwick Coates born Middlefield Mass. 10/19/1803-Martinsburgh 10/5/1858, maried 4/8/1829 to Olive Allen born in Blainsborough Mass.11/19/1808- Toledo Iowa 4/9/1889,daughter of William Remington Allen and Martha Wood. Sedgewick and Olive had the following children, all born in Martinsborough Mass.;
Allen Ethan Coates 1/29/1830- died in Toledo Iowa 12/17/1915 married 3/9/1853 to Mary Ann Curtis born in Martinsburg 12/5/1835- 11/3/1926 in Cedar Rapids Iowa. She was the daughter of Orman Sherman Curtis and Samantha Stocking Leonard, descendant of Stephen Hopkins of the May Flower. Allen ad Mary Ann had the following children; (Clarence D. Coates 6/6/1864 matins burgh NY- 7/7/1906 Died in Dubuque Iowa, Florence L. Coates born in Whiteside County Ill. 2/28/1857- died in Cedar rapids 9/1/1925 Married E.J. Stoddard. They had the following children(Mable Stoddard 10/4/1879, Alice Stoddard 9/30/1881 married Gordon Brown, Darlene Stoddard 9/22/1886, Leonard Stoddard 3/30/1890, Ruth Stoddard 9/7/1892), Hurburt E. Coates born in Whiteside Co. 2/13/1861-12/10/1882 in Toledo ohio, Louis Allen Coates 7/26/1865 in Sterling Ill.- 4/9/1947 Sandiago Ca., Alice Belle Coates 7/22/1867-9/22/1964 died in Ceder Rapids- married 11/26/1884 in Toledo to Willard E. Grimes born in Marion Iowa 8/2/1860-11/19/1933 Cedar rapids. Alice and Willard had the following children;(Jessie Lee Grimes 9/22/1886-1969 Married 11/16/1909 Frank Dole, Miller Grimes 9/27/1884-9/1/1955, Regena Bernice Grimes 6/15/1902-1969 married 4/16/1920 Byron Batchelder- divorced 2/1928 married 5/16/1931 Armour V. Millborn born 9/13/1905-6/30/1958), Claud C. Coates 1/8/1875-10/21/1875, Floyd Cortis Coates 1/2/1877-married Eleanor Porter who died 10/21/1961 no children. He served in the Spanish American war in Cuba.,)
Martha Allen 4/6/1831- died in Turin NY 1/6/1902, Married 8/27/1851 Chauncey Barns Littlefield. They had the following children; (Clara Littlefield 1853, Neil Littlefield 4/3/1858, Lilian Littlefield 1857, Byron Littlefield 1863, Roy Littlefield 1865)
Chauncey P. Coates 12/18/1832-8/11/1865 died in Richmond Ill. Married 812/16/1856 at Genoa Wisconsin to Jennie L. Brown born in Ticonderoga NY 4/13/1838-died near Portland Oregon 2/16/1916. She married a second time to a Wilcox. Chauncey and Jennie had the follwoign children born in Martinsburgh NY; (Willis Chauncey Coates 11/12/1857-9/8/1927 in Topeka Kansas, Charles Sedgewick Coates 6/4/1860, Bennet Alanson Coates 4/247/1863-2/15/1864.)
Jane Mariah Coates 9/9/1834- died in Cincinnati Ohio 6/16/1917- Married 12/13/1854 Alfred Hess. They had the following children; (Helen Eliza Hess 11/25/1855, Freddie Sedgewick Hess 10/4/1857-2/2/1861, Elmer J Hess 12/6/1858, Edwinb Burdette Hess 3/26/1863, Mattie Lovine Hess 10/10/1869.)
Eli Burnham Coates 3/18/1836- Toledo Iowa 5/30/1910, married 4/15/1862 Mary A. Bagle who died 1907. They had the following children; (Baby Coates , Della C. Coates 12/18/1863 in Toleda- died 1/11/1889 married George L. Russell born 1859-1915)
Seth Willard Coates 8/30/1837- 1/31/1915 in Cincinnati Ohio Married in Sterling Ill. 8/25/1867 to Harriet Mariah Curtis born in West martinsburgh NY 5/13/1848-8/25/1883 in Cameron Nebraska, daughter of Orman Sherman Curtis and Samantha Stocking Leonard, sister of Allen Coates Wife. Seth fought in the Civil war in Comp. D 75th Ill. Reg. discharged 6/12/1865 in Nashville Tenn. He was wounded and hospitalized at Chattanooga Tenn. Received a pension for his service. Seth traveled to Illinoi’s where his brother lived. After his marriage he and Brothers Eli and Allen moved to Toledo Iowa. In 1875 Seth took up a government homestead in Morton County Kansas where he lived until 1882 when he moved to Wood River Nebraska. From there he moved to Cincinnati Ohio in 1890. Seth and Harriet had the following children; (Jennis Samantha Coates 1/2/1869-8/23/1959. She was a pensioner of the Spanish American War, serving as an RN discharge 3/30/1900, Freddie D. Coates 6/18/1871-7/22/1876, Bennett Earl Coates 5/29/1873-5/11/1930, Julia Surilla Coates 6/19/1877-8/21/1929 married 2/15/1904 to Fred Dickman they had one child( Seth Dickman 5/30/1905), Chauncey Sterling Coates 3/23/1879-11/2/1967 died in Baldwinville NY., Stella May Coates 6/1/1881-12/27/1968 married 1/21/1900 to Edward S. Telinda hey had one child (Clarence Telinda 5/14/1900)
William Remington Coates 8/14/1839-8/6/1906 in Lowville NY- married 2/28/1860 Maria Babcock born 6/29/1840-4/12/1907. William served in the 5th NY during the Civil war. He and Maria had the following children, all born in Lowville NY, ;(Madora Coates 5/26/1860-2/11/1919 married Charles W. Keeler, Willie E. Coates 1863-1903, Homer A. Coates 1/23/1876-5/1/1878)
Henry B. Coates 7/24/1844-6/18/1909- Married 1/1/1866 Helen Arthur born 1/10/1845-1933 daughter of Orlando Arthur and Eliza Master. Henry and Helen had the following children all born in Martins borough (DeEtta Coates 1871-1919 married Herbert E. Lane, Orlando Coates 2/10/1873-1950 married Cora Pitcher- Divorced and married Kathryn Koste. Orlando and Cora had Nellie Pitcher Coates 12/21/1898, )
Frances Amelia Coates 5/16/1846-4/6/1898 in Eddyville Nebraska married 6/12/1867 in Sterling Ill. To Franklin G. Morse. After her husband died she became the post office clerk or “post Mistress” of Eddyville. Frances and Franklin had the following children; ( Minnie A. Morse 2/11/1868, LeRoy Morse 8/2/1879, Mana M. Morse 1/19/1891)
Sarah Ella Coates 12/19/1850- 2/22/1901 died in Detroit Michigan. Married 3/1/1870 to David Handy who died in 1914. They had the following children; (Maude Willemina handy married her cousin Bennet E. Coates on 1/27/1897 in Cincinnati, Lillian Handy, Mattie Hnady married George Eaton lived in Detroit Michigan.)
James Monroe Coates 12/26/1818-6/13/1910 married 1849 Cornelia Burk of Redfield who died 9/19/1900 they had one child- Franklin Coates 1852-1872,
Amos Wayne Coates 1823-married 2/20/1849 Eliza Van Dreison one child Eli N. Coates 1853,
Earl Coates 1/20/1826-3/12/1843
John Coates Jr. born Middlefield 3/26/1776, Married Chloe ? who died 4/3/1813. John and Chloe had the following children born in Middlefield;
Hiram Coates 3/26/1809-11/21/1827
Chauncy Coates born Middlefield 1/28/1788- died Oswego NY 3/8/1861 married in Middlefield Mass. 12/28/1813 to Mary Pease born 1/10/1790-7/17/1876 daughter of Isreal Pease and Mary Pease. Chauncy and Mary had the following children all born in Oswego;
Spencer Coates 10/19/1814 married 4/23/1853 Margaret Nickolson Spencer was a resident of Iowa 1877,
Lyman Coates 7/31/1816-8/2/1890 married 12/27/1848 Aurora B. Walker born in Syracuse NY 9/21/1825-daughter of Alva Walker and Vesta Whitcomb, sister of Dr. Mary Walker of Civil War fame- (see previous post)Lymann and Aurora had one child Vesta L. Coates 11/4/1851-1920 married Charles W. Fenske,
Warren Coates 6/24/181807/21/1899 Married 2/20/1849 Sabrina Wiltsi,
The families of Christopher Coates born in Stonington Conn. 9/13/1720- died near Galway NY before 1790, married in Stonington 4/14/1748 to Thankful Pendleton. (son of Caleb, son of Robert Jr.)
Benjamin Coates 11/14/1748- died in Pompey NY 12/25/1839,
Zipporah Coates 11/14/1750,
Caleb Coates 9/10/1755- died in Farmington NY after 1828, married Mahetable ?. Caleb and Mehetable had the following children ;
Allen Coates Born in Renns. county NY 1008- Manchester NY 9/16/1880 while on a visit from Kalamazoo Michigan.,
James Coates born in Conn. 1781- Manchester 1862
Joseph Coates 11/12/1756- died Richfield NY 3/31/1828, Married 2/1783 to Sarah ? born 7/2/1764-9/1846. He and Sarah had the following children;
Alanson Coates born in Saratoga NY 5/6/1788-Truxton NY 9/19/
Joseph Coates 6/18/1804-Exeter NY 2/12/1888)
Zebulon Coates born in Stonington 7/20/1763- died Olcott NY 10/2/1849, married Mary ? who died 11/27/1840. Zebulon and Mary had the following children;
Fredrick Coates 1786-11/8/1835
Joseph Coates 1788,
Asa Coates 1/23/1800-7/19/1880
Christopher Coates Jr. 12/5/1765- died Otselic NY 12/9/1838. He married but wife’s name is as yet unknown. He moved to Otselic NY and had several children, all predeceased him except for Benjamin Coates was born 1788- died in Pompey NY 4/4/1876
The families of Bartholomew Coates born in Stonington Conn. 7/11/1744- died there in 1795, (son of Hezekiah Coates, son of Robert Coates Jr.). Married freelove Frink. They had the following children all born in Stonington Conn;
Ambrose Coates 1765- died in Voluntown 10/2/179l married Lucy Partelow. Ambrose and lucy Coates lived in Plainfield NY 1805 and Friendship NY 1828.,
Hezekiah Coates 1767- married Mary Cranall daughter of Amos Crandell and Elizabeth Brown. Mary married a second time to Allen Jones,
Freelove Coates 1769,
Edmond Coates 10/10/1771- died Wellsville Ny 8/4/1830,married 9/17/1791 to Margaret Frasier born 8/20/1769-3/16/1844. Edmond lived in Otsego county NY until he moved to Friendship in 1828. Edmond and Margaret had the following children;
Spencer Coates 8/2/1794-1/6/1795,
Betsey Coates 10/4/1795-6/1/1875 married cousin Samuel Coates who died 5/3/1878, Edmond Coates Jr. 9/28/1798-10/14/1881 married 9/8/1821 Catherine Burns,
Joseph Coates 9/4/1804-8/6/1864 married 2/26/1826 Elizabeth Rawson,
Benjamin Franklin Coates 9/4/1804-8/29/1881 married 4/4/1841 Lois Whitford of Rodman NY
Hiram Coates 5/26/1806-10/24/1806
Stephen F. Coates 10/23/1807-9/18/1864 married 12/22/1833 Catherine Thomas who died 10/8/1873,
Nelson P. Coates 12/22/1812,
Asahel Coates 1775 Married in Stonington 2/11/1796 to Susan Champlain of Hopkentown,
Bartholomew Coates Jr. 1788- died New berlin NY 11/7/1832 (Bartholomew married, wife unknown and had several children, all unnamed in his will)
The families of Timothy Coates, ( son of Robert Coates III, Son of Robert Coates Jr.) born in Stonington Conn in 1750- died in Elkland Pa. after 1810 married 1780 to Content Stewart born in Stonington 6/6/1754, daughter of William J. Stewart and Elizabeth Stevens. Timothy and Content had the following children;
Fredrick Coates 1781 married? Bless
Timothy Coates 1782-1844 married Lovina Boyce
Lintsford Coates 1788 -7/8/1864 married MaryAnn Taylor
Robert Coates Sr. Son John Coates remained in Essex count Mass. His son John had the following children:
The families of John Coates (son of John Coates, Son of Robert Coates Sr.)baptized in Marblehead Mass. 7/29/1716-died in Woodstock Conn. 9/21/1756. He married in Woodstock on 9/11/1744 to Ann Chamberlain born in Newtown Mass 8/3/1729, daughter of Samuel Chamberlain and Esther Hammond. He and Ann had the following children all born in Woodstock Conn.;
Pinsont Coates 3/13/1720-12/5/1770 died in Pomfret Conn. Married 12/21/1744 to Rebeccah Holmes Ruggles the widow of Samuel Ruggles. Rebecah was born 8/13/1719- died in Pomfret 11/24/1799, she was the daughter of Jehoshaphat Holmes and Sara Waldo. Pinsont and Rebeccah had the following children;
Samuel Ruggles Coates 10/22/1745- died in Cazenovia NY 9/6/1827,married at Woodstock Conn. 5/17/1770 to Eunice Child, born 5/3/1750-died after 1827, daughter of Abijah Child and Eunice Johnson. Samuel and Eunice had the following children all born in Woodstock Conn.;
Samuel Pinsent Coates 3/4/1771-1/27/1808 in Cazanovia NY Married in Woodstock 1/18/1798 Bethia Lyon-
Ebenezer Coates 4/17/1773-3/5/1862 in Cazanovia NY Ebenezer was a farmer. married Lodema?,
Abijah Child Coates 1/29/1781-married Emeline ? worked as a farmer in Cazenovia NY living next to brother Ebenezer.,
Chester Coates 1798
Ebenezer Coates 6/18/1749-11/8/1773
John Coates 12/27/1756-died Springfield NY after 1834 married Prudence Ballard born in Lancaster Mass 12/2/1760, Daughter of Sherebiah Ballard and Keziah Osgood. John and Prudence had the following children;
Evan Coates 1788-2/7/1854
Erastus Coates 1790-died in Homer NY before 1822
John Coates 1800
Davis Coates 1797-7/30/1857
Levant Coates 1800
Albert Coates 1803
The families of John Coates (Son of Samuel, son of John Coates Sr., son of Robert Coates Sr.) born in Lynn 4/2/1738-Salem Mass. 1/23/1821, married in Lynn 10/30/1762 Eunice Newhall born 1743, daughter of Jonathan Newhall and Elizabeth Johns. . John and Eunice had the following children all born in Lynn Mass;
Benjamin N. Coates 4/1784-12/24/1855 married 10/10/1807 to Mary Kimball born in Salem New Hampshire 4/16/1789-9/27/1814, Daughter of Oliver Kimball Jr. and Mary Ober. Benjamin married a second time on 3/17/1816 to Elizabeth Bruce. Benjamin had the following children with Mary;
John Coates 4/7/1811
Benjamin and Elizabeth had the following children;
Benjamin N. Coates 12/23/1816- 8/7/1853
George Washington Coates 3/12/1819-10/4/1859,
Daniel Gould Coates 1829
The families of Benjamin Coates 1736-1774 in Boston (son of Benjamin Coates, son of John Sr. son of Robert Sr.). Married in Lynn10/31/1765 to Mary Newhall born 5/28/1745, daughter of Moses Newhall and Susannah Bowan. Mary married a second time at Boston 12/25/1777 to John Ballard.
Benjamin and Mary had the following children;
Samuel Coates 1/8/1775 in Boston- 1798 Lynn Mass.
The families of Ezra Coates(son of Benjamin Coates, son of John Sr. son of Robert Sr.). 1738-10/3/1804 in Milton Mass. Married at Lynn 11/12/1761 to Deborah Jenks born 3/8/1736-1797, daughter of John Jenks and Elizabeth Berry. Ezra and Deborah had the following children all born in Lynn Mass;
John Coates in Lynn 8/5/1765- 11/7/1819 in Milton Mass.married 4/9/1794 Mariah Howe daughter of Joseph Howe of Marleborough Mass. John and Mariah had the following children born in Boston Mass.:
George Coates 1795-10/9/1816 in Boston
John Coates 1797
Ezra Jenks Coates 1806,
Thomas Tileston Coates.